Escalon, ca (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments


by Katrina Tavares

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,200.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,420.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,420.00 raised of $5,200.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Escalon, ca (US)

Katrina Tavares is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story


I’ll be honest; this was a really hard thing to pull the trigger on. It’s easy for me to help others as that is who I am, but asking for help is not easy for me. With much encouragement from family and friends, we are reaching out to our “Village” for support.

We have bought a 520 – Piece Puzzle and will be selling each piece for $10. You can purchase one or as many pieces as you wish. We will then write your name on the back of the puzzle piece (If you would like a custom name or family name on the piece, please write that in the “message” section when you donate). Once the puzzle is complete, we will hang it on the wall (hopefully in the future nursery)! This way, we will carry our village with us and always be able to look back and be reminded of your generosity and investment in our family!


Greg and I learned a year ago that we couldn’t have kids naturally after trying to get pregnant for eight months. Last year in November, we had our first round of IVF. Luckily, I had insurance at work that covered some of the cost. Sadly, on December 19, 2022, we learned that all three embryos sent for testing were not viable. This has been an emotional rollercoaster for Greg and me, but we need to try one more time, as the hope of being parents is all we want. After spending nearly $15,000, we knew we could not afford another IVF round. My insurance at work only covers one lifetime round, and it would cost us $30,000+ to try again. Due to our age, time is not on our side, and saving for a year, we are losing our percentages of successful IVF. After researching all our options, we decided to go to Turkey for our final hope of becoming parents. Traveling to Turkey will be half the cost, and it is in the top five best countries for IVF, with the highest success rate in the world.

Thank you for your constant support.
Thank you for your kind words and sweet gestures.
Thank you for covering us in prayer.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for your consideration in helping us realize our dream of becoming parents.

  • 06-06-2023

    Puzzle Fun

    I don\'t think we could have picked a more challenging puzzle. However, IVF isn\'t easy. The journey is a struggle. It takes time, and after working together, we will have what we worked hard for and waited all this time for. Maybe it is the perfect puzzle after all!!!

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts, prayers, and love ❤️

  • 08-10-2023

    Fingers Crossed For Good News

    Good morning,
    I wanted to share a little update. Since last December, I have been battling my insurance. The IVF coverage by my employer is roughly 50% for one \\"LIFETIME ROUND.\\" In speaking with the insurance, no one can define one round. As of May, I was told to make a referral and see what happens, as I don\\'t show a previous IVF round in my insurance. After three months and two denials of my referral, I finally got approval to see a fertility doctor here in Sacramento. My appointment is next month. We still do not know if my insurance will approve complete treatment. In the next few weeks, I should know if they approve just an implant (I have not done it yet) or another full procedure. Traveling to Turkey may still be a little cheaper, but I do not have enough time to take a month or more off, and Greg does not make money if he is not working, so in the long run, it may cost us more financially. We pray for positive vibes and that God guides us in the right direction. We appreciate all the love and support. However, we proceed; it is a hardship mentally, financially, and emotionally.

  • 12-27-2023

    Still Trying and Waiting

    I am updating you on where we are in our IVF journey. We started our second round in October. October was what they call the priming month (preparation month). What does this mean?.. It is the month before retrieval when you start fertility medications for 1-3 weeks to calm the ovaries. This helps to ensure the follicles develop at the same rate. During this time, I was on estrogen patches for eight days and took two shots a day for four days. By November, I was preparing for the retrieval. For about two weeks, I was taking multiple shots daily with follow-up appointments every 2-3 days. Sadly, I only had three decent-sized follicles. The doctors recommended canceling this round and starting over. Greg and I agreed three is not a good number, and the odds would have been against us. That said, we canceled that round and are now waiting for my cycle to start so we can start a new round with a successful retrieval. January should be the priming month, with February being the retrieval month if all goes as planned. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, as the journey is not over. I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday with the ones you love. Here is to 2024! Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end! Embrace it with open arms and a heart full of hope, for this new year will bring fresh chapters yet unwritten, waiting for our stories to unfold.

    Katrina and Greg

Name Donation Date
Nicole Maruca $10.00 July 24, 2023
Jennifer Silveira $20.00 July 20, 2023
Charlotte Hyun $50.00 June 23, 2023
Celeste Daniels $30.00 June 23, 2023
Matt Joy $150.00 June 22, 2023
Fran Buzzitta $100.00 June 08, 2023
Kallie Post $15.00 June 06, 2023
Carins Rodriguez $10.00 June 04, 2023
Megan Fruzza $20.00 June 04, 2023
Tere Rodriguez $10.00 June 04, 2023
Anonymous $200.00 May 28, 2023
Melissa Ramel $25.00 May 22, 2023
Chloe Halkias $10.00 May 22, 2023
Melissa ABSHIRE $20.00 May 18, 2023
Amy Phillips $50.00 May 17, 2023
Christy Arnce $50.00 May 16, 2023
Mike & Dee Clark $50.00 May 16, 2023
Alexa Quistini $10.00 May 16, 2023
Keegan Rauzi $50.00 May 16, 2023
Megan Caldwell $50.00 May 16, 2023
Sierra Cooper $50.00 May 16, 2023
Chantel Durrer $40.00 May 16, 2023
Gabe Hernandez $100.00 May 16, 2023
Jill Aiello $100.00 May 16, 2023
Anonymous $100.00 May 16, 2023
Anonymous $100.00 May 16, 2023
Celeste Daniels commented with a $30 donation about 2 years ago
Love you cousin praying for you both
Fran Buzzitta commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
Sending love, hope and loads of prayers for your journey.
Kallie Post commented with a $15 donation about 2 years ago
Good Luck! Sending y’all prayers, love, hope, and good vibes for your little blessing!
Carins Rodriguez commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
Michael David : thank you so much you’re amazing ! We love you ! 6/4/23 you will get pregnant! & we will go to your baby shower . We love you !!!
Tere Rodriguez commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
We love talking to you at Michael David!
Melissa Ramel commented with a $25 donation about 2 years ago
Praying for you lady!!
Chloe Halkias commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
We love you.
Mike & Dee Clark commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
Wishing you both the best of luck.
Alexa Quistini commented with a $10 donation about 2 years ago
Praying for your family in this journey, may god give you strength and peace. Love the Quistini family
Megan Caldwell commented with a $50 donation about 2 years ago
We’re praying for you both and are sending you hugs and love. Good luck!!!
Jill Aiello commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
Put Teddy Blevins on the 10 puzzle pieces. ❤️ you will be the best mommy.
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
Love you!
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation about 2 years ago
God we pray to you to bless us with a 2nd grandchild!